MSK & Joint Health

Upper Limb  -  Lower Limb  -  Pelvis  -  Face & Cranium 


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Musculoskeletal conditions account for approximately two-thirds of all adults seeking treatment and rehabilitation, and are in the top 4 causes of work-related sickness in the UK today.

We address, treat and rehabilitate the most common MSK injuries, by identifying what the problem is, why it's happening now, and what can be done to improve your condition and recovery. Your personalised care plan addresses your condition and modifies daily habits that contribute to the problem and prevent recovery.

Osteopaths treat the whole body, every joint, muscle and soft tissue problem by combining diagnosis and treatment with recovery advice, coaching, rehab, training and design. Work-related habits and environments can result in painful MSK injuries due to excessive and repetitive demands and stress placed on these structures. MSK injuries affect bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscles and are typically characterised by pain, swelling and limitations in movement and dexterity, with immediate and significant detrimental effects on our ability to work and participate normally in daily life. Often over time, compensation patterns build up and create a domino effect in the body of more pain, tension, stiffness and restricted movements. If left untreated this often leads to more pain, more problems and more costly complications – people with untreated MSK pain are at higher risk of developing mental health issues, like depression. We also provide clinical reports and Fitness-To-Work Certificates. 

Smiling woman working on a computer at a modern kitchen table, with a notebook and smartphone nearby.



Work-Related Disorders

We address, treat and rehabilitate the 4 biggest causes of work-sickness in the UK today, namely: neck and back pain, joint and musculoskeletal problems, stress and sleep disorders. We provide Clinical Occupational Reports and Fitness-To-Work Certificates for work-related pain, injuries and conditions.

Work-related stress, pain and injuries are harmful reactions that occur in the body when people have excessive demands and expectations placed on them. Recognising when you're unable to manage pain or stress, and knowing when to ask for professional help is important for your recovery outcomes. We review your occupational and personal daily habits and practices that can contribute to aggravating or relieving your condition, and we tailor a personal plan to fit your relief and goals.


A woman in a cycling outfit takes a drink from a yellow water bottle while standing next to her mountain bike on a dirt path, surrounded by a green landscape at sunset.

Chronic conditions

Chronic pain conditions like arthritis, are prone to recurrence and flare-ups, but there are many things we can do to manage this well. Chronic conditions like back pain can have a domino effect on your health and general sense of well-being. We put the brakes on aggravating daily habits that accelerate these changes, by supporting balance in your body, movement, lifestyle and mindset. We work together to treat and manage your symptoms so that flare-ups occur with less frequency, pain and disruption to your life.

Jarvia helps with the management of some of the biggest chronic pain and chronic health conditions in the UK today, including arthritis, menopause, chronic pain, chronic disability, chronic bronchitis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, Dementia, diabetes Type 1, MS, ME/ chronic fatigue, cancer, palliative care and grief. Whether you're experiencing stress and tension, low energy levels or you simply want to improve your condition, performance and sense of well-being, help is here. Release stress, tension and stiffness, reset your body and mind by booking a treatment today. Support your chronic pain or health condition with a long-term management plan, regular treatments and continuity of care.